Free love tests and personality quizzes, online since 23rd February 1996 - 26 years!
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The Free Internet Love Tester
Get advice based on the 40 answers to this lovetest. It also calculates the compatibility between you and your sweetheart using numerology based on the names that were entered. The Love Test also provides astrological compatibility information about the selected zodiac signs. Now gives you the meaning of your name as well!
LoveTest Thermometer 
Enter the LoveTest Thermometer and get a rating about your relationships. This is a similar system like the other popular love calculators on the Internet. However we take it a step further and let you analyze various aspects of your relationship. Find out about the meaning of your name!
Numerology LoveTest 
Take the Numerology LoveTest to get a compatibility score for up to 5 partners. If you can't decide which partner is the right one, then you should take this test.
Quiz Central
There are plenty of personality quizzes and love tests in our quiz central. More quizzes will be added soon. Come back often for the latest quizzes!
Compatibility Analysis
You've asked for it and now it's here! The fast and personal astro compatibility analysis. Enter your birthday and your dream partner's date of birth to find out how compatible you really are. We've added new videos to the analysis.
"I love You"
Traveller's Guide. Translations of "I love you". Are you going on a holiday or involved in a long-distance relationship? Better be prepared and check the translations of the most popular phrase in the world...
Quick Love Calculator
Calculate your love compatibility for up to 3 names at the same time... We'll show you a graph how compatibile you are with each of your 3 secret sweethearts. The results are private and only shown to your eyes. We do not keep a record of the names you enter into this love test.
Love Test Fortune Teller
Need a look into the future? The Love Test Fortune Teller might be the solution for you...